A ONCE-in-a-lifetime opportunity is just months away for young Catholics from Banyo Nundah parish.
But they aren’t meeting royalty or taking an island cruise.
The Voice youth group is using their time and talents to be “the hands and feet of Jesus Christ” in the world.
More specifically, more than a year of planning and fundraising will culminate with their Samoa Youth Mission 2013 (SYM13) next January.
So far their collective efforts have raised $13,234.73 including an RSL grant of $2500.
“It’s pretty exciting,” Christopher Greathead said.
“We’ve been working really hard to get the mission trip off the ground.
“I’ve been doing the website and promoting it a lot on Facebook.
“It’s coming together.”
Christopher’s sister Bridget and their mother Angela are heading to Samoa.
“It is life-changing,” Angela said.
“The youth are not only finding practical ways to help raise funds for those less fortunate but those who can are going over to actually make that help a reality.”
Some of the group’s fundraising so far has been a multicultural day, a garage sale, cake stalls after Mass and at the local shops, and asking for donations at the parish dinner after providing some of its entertainment.
Caritas Australia has been given $2233.15 of the funds for help following the Asia-Pacific tsunami as they and the youth work together.
A group of about 30 will venture to Samoa and visit St Mary’s College, Apia, to help rebuild a library and music room.
They will take with them much enthusiasm and some lightweight materials.
Other materials will be shipped over – including laptop computers donated by members of Banyo Nundah parish – or be bought locally.
Christopher and Bridget’s father Jack Greathead said the group’s aim was to “improve literacy and education opportunities for students”.
“SYM13 will be a mutual sharing of talents, time and outreach,” he said.
“They will indeed be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.”
The visitors will go to areas affected by the 2009 tsunami in Samoa to see the damage first hand and offer much-needed encouragement.
Kim and Rita Thetadig are other parishioners heading to Samoa, where they have many family members and connections. Rita said those connections would help them navigate the trip and improve the experience.
“It’s going to be so good for the youth,” she said.
“We can talk about doing something from afar but they are actually going to be helping rebuild … (and) getting their hands dirty.”
The Voice has a major fundraiser for the Samoa mission trip next month – the PedalYak.
Members are being sponsored to walk, run, ride or kayak all or part of a 14km circuit beginning and ending at Nudgee Road Boat Ramp, Nudgee.
Christopher is cycling with his brother David while Bridget will kayak beside Jack and her brother Michael.
Many others have registered to walk or run.
Maddie and Grace Ferrington are planning to bike ride.
Everybody is praying for good weather to allow supporters to also be out in force.
The Voice is looking for others to join them – individuals, families or businesses.
For more information about the PedalYak go to www.thevoicebnyg.weebly.com
Some of The Voice members attend Mary MacKillop College, Nundah.
Others go to Earnshaw State College or are home-schooled.
There’s no doubt they all have in common faith in God and a desire to do His will.