BISHOP Brian Heenan of Rockhampton has entered the discussion about ordaining married men to the priesthood.
This follows a call from Blackall parish administrator, Marist Father Robert Hollow, who has suggested a solution to declining priest numbers in rural areas.
Fr Hollow has been called to a new appointment and will leave the parish in May. This will leave two priests in Longreach to provide services to a huge area in western Queensland, including Blackall parish.
Fr Hollow has suggested allowing suitable married men to be ordained to work in their own communities.
Bishop Heenan said while the number of priests in his diocese was reasonable, that could change in the future due to retirements and movement of priests.
He said invariably the possibility of ordained married men to celebrate Mass was a topic worthy of discussion.
Bishop Heenan said he expected the issue to be raised again in October when the Synod of the Eucharist is held in Rome.