STUDENTS and representatives from many Catholic schools in Brisbane archdiocese gathered in St Stephen’s Cathedral last Sunday afternoon for a Mass to open Catholic Education Week 2014 (July 27-August 2).
Archbishop Mark Coleridge was principal celebrant and CEW ambassadors Annabel Pike and Michael Mangan attended.
Archbishop Coleridge also officially launched Catholic Education Week at St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane, on Wednesday, with a range of schools participating.
CEW 2014 focused on the theme “Come, live life in all its fullness”, which was based on the Gospel of John (10:10).
In his message for CEW 2014, Queensland Catholic Education Commission executive director Mike Byrne said: “Reflecting this Gospel call, Catholic schools strive to provide a learning experience through which every young person has the opportunity to reach their full human potential – spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, culturally and physically – and know what it means to engage in all that life has to offer.”