OUR Lady of the Rosary School, Kenmore has been working on a peace project called Mission Possible to help create a culture of peace in schools throughout the world.
The peace project was begun by teachers and children at the Brisbane school to highlight the number of children and teachers being killed, injured or starving in conflicts in many parts of the world.
It was particularly aimed at responding to the children and teachers who died in the Beslan horror in Russia.
The project began with students performing a play called The Four Candles, based on the principles of peace, faith, love and hope at the school on October 19.
After the performance each class got involved in ‘peace making activities’ for a number of weeks after which they began sending messages of hope and peace to other teachers and schools across the world on November 8 via the Internet.
Our Lady of the Rosary Year 1 teacher Wendy Volep said she hoped the project would create a rippling effect as teachers and students passed on messages of peace through the use of the Internet.