ARCHBISHOP John Bathersby of Brisbane called on the archdiocese to be a loving, welcoming community as it encouraged about 190 people on the journey to becoming Catholics on March 7.
The archbishop issued the challenge at St Stephen’s Cathedral as he presided at the annual Presentation of the Creed to candidates and catechumens of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
About 190 people, including 70 catechumens who are to be baptised, received the Creed.
Brisbane archdiocesan Liturgical Commission education officer Elizabeth Harrington, who was involved in organising the event, said the cathedral was crowded with catechists, sponsors, family, friends and other supporters of the candidates and catechumens.
Although the candidates and catechumens were the focus of the ceremony, Archbishop Bathersby drew the members of the wider Church into the spotlight.
‘As we come here today we want you to know that the pressure is not so much on you (candidates and catechumens) to shape up, but rather on us the Church to shape up, and to be the loving welcoming community that we should be,’ he said.