SOMETHING magical happens when the young and the “not so young” connect.
Unhurried by life, both are able to enjoy life’s simple pleasures together.
At Crowley Care Services in Ballina inter-generational magic happens regularly.
“Our programs with three parish schools and St Anne’s Long Day Care Centre are vital to our sense of community bringing a quality of life with abundant benefits for all,” Crowley Care Services chief executive officer Michael Penhey said.
“The sheer joy our residents experience engaging with young people is evident in many ways, whilst the young experience undivided attention, (and) the wisdom and knowledge that only a lifetime of experience brings.
“We believe life should be experienced in a multi-generational dimension – because vibrant care communities forge meaningful relationships between younger and older generations.”
When younger and older generations connect it is a reminder not only of the continuum of life but the greatness that exists beyond ourselves.
The program has been so successful at Crowley the organisation is planning an expansion next year.