TWELVE YEAR-OLD Felicity (pictured) has started practising flipping pancakes to promote Caritas Australia’s major annual fundraiser, Project Compassion.
Although pancakes are traditionally made and eaten at the beginning of Lent on Shrove Tuesday, which this year falls on February 28, many Catholic schools, parishes and businesses around Australia use this tasty activity as a way to signal the start of their Lenten giving.
Felicity loves getting involved in her school’s pancake event because it is so much fun and focuses her school community on helping those in need.
At many Catholic schools across Australia students will need to put some money into their Project Compassion boxes if they want a pancake.
Project Compassion is the largest fundraising event for aid and development in Australia.
Caritas Australia’s chief executive officer Jack de Groot said he was heartened by the response of Felicity and millions of people like her during Lent.