QUEENSLAND’S Catholic and Anglican bishops have announced plans to make a financial contribution to the Forde Foundation Trust.
The trust was set up by the Queensland Government in response to the findings of the Forde Inquiry into child abuse in state and Church institutions.
Anglican and Catholic communities will be asked to contribute through a collection on a nominated weekend.
In a joint statement, the bishops say the Catholic and Anglican Churches will contribute to ease the hurt of victims, ‘for which we are deeply sorry’.
Three of 42 recommendations in the Forde Report, released in June 1999, called for action by the Churches.
The trust fund was set up to respond to the needs of those found to have been disadvantaged or adversely affected by their experiences as residents in Government and Church-run institutions throughout the last century.
In a joint pastoral letter to be released in most Anglican and Catholic parishes in Queensland this weekend, the bishops say: ‘The Forde Commission of Inquiry heard of tragic cases of emotional, physical, sexual and systems abuse.
‘Where it occurred, this abuse and deprivation have deeply affected some former residents.
‘While some have subsequently done well, some former residents have been unjustly disadvantaged by their limited life skills and educational opportunities.’