HOW to create a sustainable retirement income will be the first of six free business lectures offered by the new Brisbane CBD campus of the Australian Catholic University.
The first session is on Friday, August 29 from 5.30pm to 7pm.
The sessions are being offered to celebrate the opening of the ACU’s Leadership Centre, which offers a choice of three Masters of Business Administration.
The leadership centre is located in Cathedral House, Elizabeth Brisbane.
The free courses are an opportunity for all to visit the state-of-the-art centre, which is set to add valuable options to the higher education opportunities offered in the heart of Brisbane.
MBA executive director Professor Don Ross said with the choice of three MBAs, the convenience of a central city location and an abundance of public transport options, studying an MBA couldn’t be easier.
“The leadership centre is a prestigious contemporary campus featuring state-of-the art technology, a range of superb executive teaching areas and space for students to study or relax around lecture times and seminars,” he said.
“The centre is introducing a unique schedule that offers flexible hours for those juggling work and family commitments, and will include breakfast sessions.
“The MBA’s will cover four key areas.
“These are ethical leadership, change management, corporate governance and management for sustainability.”
Finance expert Professor Michael Drew will conduct the ACU Leadership Centre’s first session on creating a sustainable retirement income.
A professor of finance and former managing director Lifecycle Strategies at the Queensland Investment Corporation, Professor Drew is the recipient of the Pinnacle Award for Most Outstanding Thought Leader from the Financial Services Institute of Australia.
The second session will be held on Friday, October 24.
55 Comms managing direcotr Michael Crutcher will present the topic Strategies for a New Media World.
Mr Crutcher was editor of The Courier Mail when it launched its iPad app and digital subscription model.
To RSVP contact or call 1300 ASK ACU for further information.
What: Launch of the ACU MBA in the CBD and first session of free Business Lecture Series
When: Friday August 29, 5.30 – 7pm
Where: ACU Leadership Centre, Level 3, Cathedral House, 229 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
Why: See what ACU MBAs have to offer, visit the new centre and meet the staff
Who: Anyone who registers, this is a free event.