ON the wall in the corner of a classroom at Star of the Sea Primary School, Cleveland, is the outline of a large Lenten Cross.
Inside this cross is a collection of smaller, paper crosses pinned to the wall.
On these paper crosses are written the Lenten promises of the Year 5/6 students.
The cross is a constant reminder to the students of the sacrifices they promised to keep throughout Lent, along with ways that will help them live more like the way Jesus taught.
Co-ordinated by Year 5/6 teachers Nicole Clough, Louise McLucas and Jason Waters, the larger cross was a way for students to really acknowledge the sacrifice Jesus made for them and all humanity.
Mr Waters said the idea of the crosses grew out of discussions in class about Lent and what it meant to the students.
“We reflected a great deal in our Year 5/6 learning area about the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice, by giving his life for us,” he said.
“We also discussed how our Lenten promises were a small replication of the cross Jesus had to bear.”
Mr Waters said the decision was made to collate the individual smaller crosses inside the larger cross in order to help them grow closer to God.
“As a team working together with all our small sacrifices we can really follow the Lenten journey together and find great meaning out of the sacrifices we have made,” he said.
“The small crosses we will bear during Lent are minor in comparison to the cross Jesus had to bear by giving up his life for us.
“It’s also a great reminder to them about the goals they have set themselves.”
Year 6 student Lily Davison said the cross was a constant reminder of the promises she had made during Lent.
“Sometimes I go up to the cross and re-read what I wrote to help me remember my promises,” she said. “Even just taking a glance from across the room brings it back.”
Lily said it also reminded her of the huge sacrifice Jesus made.
“He died on the cross for our sins,” she said.
“The promises I made during Lent seem very small compared to his sacrifice, but they are still important to me.
“You also get to read what other people have given up for Lent or what promises they have made to make a difference in other people’s lives.
“It inspires me to be kind to others.”
Zac Norris, also in Year 6, said the cross reminded him that Jesus had given up his life for “us” and this had inspired him to live up to his own Lenten promises, to be grateful with what he had and to never give up.