A SOCIAL justice enthusiast from Southern Cross Catholic College is a step closer to his dream of giving the youth of the nation a voice.
Sixteen-year-old Daniel Szabo was recently selected as the Redcliffe Member of the 2011 YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament.
Daniel met with fellow Youth Members and the YMCA Youth Parliament Executive at the Parliament House launch and two-day preparation forum on April 16 and 17 at Brisbane Girls’ Grammar School.
Daniel’s responsibilities will include representing the needs of and speaking on behalf of the youth of Redcliffe.
“I’m most looking forward to learning more about parliament and government and further understanding the political processes, bill writing and having the opportunity to interact with the community,” he said.
Daniel has been allocated to the Law, Justice and Corrective Services Committee, which he believes will nurture his passion for social justice.
As a Year 11 student Daniel has been involved in the Southern Cross Catholic College’s social justice club for the past five years.
He has completed his 2010 work experience with State Member for Redcliffe Lillian van Litsenburg, which will prove to be a great advantage for his new appointment.
“My interest in politics has really grown from my work experience,” he said.
“I learnt a lot from my time there and now I’m interested in pursuing politics to give me more opportunities to help people and continue my social justice work.”
Daniel has also been working with local politicians to petition for a restructure of Australia’s foreign aid budget to ensure people throughout the world have access to clean water, food and first-aid.
He met with Prime Minister Julia Gillard last December to present his petition and further discuss foreign aid.
Daniel will participate in the Queensland Youth Parliament Residential Week during the September school holidays.
Daniel wants to hear from youth who want issues heard via his Queensland Youth Parliament email address – Redcliffe@ymcaqyp.org.au