IT was a full house for the special Father and Daughter Breakfast that has become a tradition at the beginning of the school year at Mt St Michael’s (MSM) College, Ashgrove.
This year’s breakfast, on January 30, attracted most of the 156 Year 8 students’ dads who joined their daughters and staff for a morning of entertainment and gourmet treats.
School principal Alison Terrey said it was important for the fathers to feel welcome.
“Fathers, particularly at girls’ schools, are often the forgotten parents, missing out on opportunities to meet other dads and feel part of the school community,” Ms Terrey said.
Current school father and rugby league legend Steve Renouf was this year’s guest speaker, encouraging other fathers to get involved.
He spoke of his own experience the year before when only daughter Sunita started Year 8 and he reminded dads they only had one chance to “get it right”.
The MSM Foundation runs the breakfast and foundation officer Jenny Kemp said entertainment for the morning included the college’s guitar ensemble and award-winning aerobics team.
She said school captains Olivia Johnson and Rebekah MacCarthy welcomed the Year 8 girls and presented them with an overview of the college.