“A REMARKABLE gift” was bestowed on Nigel Sequeira and Paul Catchlove at their ordination to the priesthood on the feast of Sts Peter and Paul, June 29, in St Stephen’s Cathedral, Brisbane.
Archbishop John Bathersby of Brisbane described priesthood in such a way in his homily during the ordination Mass.
“This is a time of rejoicing for your family and friends, your rector, seminary staff, classmates … (and) is a great delight to the people of the Archdiocese of Brisbane,” he said.
The men of faith were visibly moved by the presence of many bishops and deacons, a record number of priests, fellow seminarians and friends as well as members of their respective families, some of whom had travelled from overseas for the celebrations.
Fr Sequeira “felt blessed” by the presence of his two sisters and their family members who had journeyed from Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, and from England.
“I feel really joyful and felt really peaceful (during the Mass),” he said.
“It was just such a moving experience and lovely to have my family present and to see the joy on their faces.”
His sister Serena Duthie said the family “were very proud”.
“He looks really happy,” she said, admitting it had been “an emotional day”.
The family were particularly emotional because Fr Sequeira’s mother, Dolores, was unable to travel due to ill health.
Tanzanian-born former news producer Fr Sequeira said the journey to the priesthood “owed a great deal” to her influence.
“My mother is just a kind and loving person who would help anyone and always cared for people … (and) she would always go to Mass,” he said.
His father Owen is deceased but his influence also continues.
“My dad would always say, ‘Nigel, I just want you to say a small prayer … (like) I love you, Lord, and I worship you’.
“Being Catholic was and is a large part of our identity.”
Also presented for ordination by Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary rector Monsignor Tony Randazzo, Fr Catchlove was joined by his parents Wayne and Lyn, who live in Sunnybank parish, Brisbane, his sister Clare and brother Anthony, and extended family members and friends.
“Mum and Dad have expressed joy and delight in my decision,” Fr Catchlove said.
“They first formed me in the faith, first inspired me with their love and passion for Jesus Christ, and I can’t thank them enough.”
The former youth worker’s preparations for priesthood are far-reaching, and he recalled the “mentoring” of Sunnybank parish priest, the late Fr Tom Hegerty.
“Just the other day I popped up (to the cemetery) and thanked him for the time, effort and energy he invested in me so many years ago,” Fr Catchlove said.
“Whilst I hope I will very much bring my own gifts and talents to my life as a priest, there’s a lot of learnings I had because of time we spent together.
“(Fr Hegerty’s) love for the Eucharist was at the centre of his priesthood and I have made it mine … (and) I hope to be as effective a pastor as he was.”
Fr Catchlove spoke of another “role model of faith” – Sunnybank parish priest Fr Dan Ryan – who presented him with the stole and chasuble during the ordination Mass.
Fr Ryan was parish priest of St Edward the Confessor, Daisy Hill, at the time of Fr Catchlove’s First Holy Communion.
Lyn Catchlove also spoke of this connection following the ordination Mass, saying “Fr Dan coming to Sunnybank and being in our lives as a family is just really special”.
Wayne Catchlove said he “was in awe” of his son’s decision and the ordination Mass.
“I thought it was just so magnificent,” Mr Catchlove said.
“It’s the culmination of many years of watching Paul grow in his love of the Church and his beliefs and wants – to become a fine priest.”
Also presenting Fr Catchlove with the stole and chasuble was Brisbane archdiocese’s Liturgical Commission director Fr Tom Elich.
Fr Sequeira’s vestments were presented by representatives of his placement in Beaudesert parish – South Coast Dean Fr Peter Dillon and parish priest Fr Bernie Gallagher.
Fr Catchlove spoke of the “sense of peace” experienced before, during and since his ordination.
“I’ve spent a long time of discernment and there’s a great sense of excitement in what I’ll be able to do as priest,” he said.
The former student of St Laurence’s College, South Brisbane, spoke glowingly of other local, national and international priests and formators.
Fr Sequeira also spoke of many mentors, priests and religious, and said he was “looking forward to opening people to the comfort and love of God in every situation, in every part of their lives”.
“I’ve seen God work in my life and brought me such joy and I look forward to being present when other people experience this joy,” he said.
“Being ordained gives us a privileged position.”
Archbishop Bathersby’s homily spoke of this privilege in connection with the Gospel.
“The greatest gift priests can do is preach the Gospel,” he said.
“The remarkable gift of priesthood is if we preach it to the end … (and) young men as priests need to understand the treasure God has given them.”
Archbishop Bathersby encouraged the newly-ordained men with specific advice.
“Be men of the Gospel,” he said.
“… Men of prayer, men determined to change the world for the better.
“(And) make the most of every day as you go out in love.”
Fr Sequeira celebrated his Mass of Thanksgiving on July 1 in Beaudesert while Fr Catchlove presided at the Vigil Mass in Sunnybank parish on July 2.
The friends first met when Fr Sequeira arrived in Brisbane in 2006.
They recalled beginning study together “the very next day” and said they would “remain good friends”.