ONE hundred and forty Year 12 girls from Mt St Michael’s College, Ashgrove dazzled their families and partners at their school formal held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on Tuesday night, April 24.
The students looked stunning in a colourful array of gowns and wraps and they were commended for their simplicity by principal Narelle Mullins.
Family members were able to mix and mingle with the girls and their partners for an hour before the official proceedings got underway.
Ms Mullins said they had continued the tradition of having the pre-formal drinks but due to the ever increasing size of the student body, they could no longer be held at the college.
“We decided to combine it all at the Convention Centre,” said Ms Mullins.
The evening began with a welcome by college captain Claire Schneider and the contribution of a reflective poem by student Jenny Crathan.
The spiritual captain, Kyrsten McGreevy, then led the assembled dinner group in a specially designed grace.
Pictures: Rene Marcel