THERE’S a fresh warning to stay home as Queensland recorded 16 new, locally-acquired COVID-19 cases today and the south-east enters its third day of lockdown.
“When you get up and start your day, if you’re thinking, ‘will I or won’t I go out, can I or can’t I?’ — stay home,” Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young told reporters this morning.
Dr Young said the lockdown, due to run until 4pm on Sunday, was critical in stopping the spread of the virus.
All of the new cases reported today are linked to the Indooroopilly State High School Delta-variant cluster which now stands at 47 cases in total.
Nine of the 16 new cases are children.
Five of the new cases are connected to Indooroopilly State High School, two cases are linked to Brisbane Girls Grammar School, three are linked to Ironside State High School.
Five new cases are household or family contacts of already confirmed cases, and one case is the neighbour of a known case.
A useful map of the latest contact tracing can be found here.
Dr Young warned grandparents who weren’t fully vaccinated to stay away from their grandchildren as a precaution.
“So far this outbreak has affected schoolkids so if you are a grandparent of one of these kids, one of these households and haven’t been vaccinated, don’t go anywhere near your grandkids,” she said.
“If you’ve had two doses of vaccine and normally provide care for grandkids so their parents can go and do essential work, then that’s fine.
“If you haven’t had your two doses of vaccine, you’re 60 or over, please stay home.
“It’s really important, because you are significantly more at risk.”
As it stands, 7995 Queenslanders are in quarantine and at least 4089 are in home quarantine.
Deputy Premier Steven Miles said it was vital for everyone in home quarantine to obey the stay-at-home orders.
“Those who are subject to home quarantine directions are legally required to stay home,” he said.
“They cannot leave home except in an emergency or to get a test. They’re subject to a legal notice.”
People in Brisbane and the other mask-wearing local government areas can only leave home for four reasons – to obtain essential goods; for essential work, school or childcare; for exercise with only one member who is not from your household; and for healthcare.
These restrictions also require people not to leave an area within 10km of your home.
A site that can help determine your distance from home can be found here.
The lockdown means churches and places of worship are shut.