A POSSIBLE “common thread” has been found behind five young men’s decision to begin studies for the priesthood at Banyo’s Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary this year.
Rector Monsignor Tony Randazzo said all of the men had spent time at Herston’s Canali House of discernment for vocations to the priesthood.
Speaking after a Mass celebrating the start of the young men’s studies for the priesthood, Msgr Randazzo said they came from a range of backgrounds and ages.
He also noted that the new seminarians had brought numbers at the seminary to 32 – its full capacity.
“Jacob Saal, from Toowoomba, at 18 is the youngest and Emene Kelemete, from Townsville, at 33 is the oldest,” he said.
“Jacob is a student and fast-food chef and Emene a carpenter.
“Adalbert Imperial is a doctor, Josh Whitehead has been a soldier, boilermaker and personal trainer, and Tom Duncan is an apprentice upholsterer.”
Msgr Randazzo, in his homily at the seminary’s 2013 Commencement Mass in Holy Spirit Chapel, Banyo, on February 10, said “for Tom, Adalbert, Emene, Jacob and Josh, as men who are aspiring to be priests, the search for the Holy and living God will only be satisfied through complete devotion to Christ and to his people”.
“It is Christ who calls you,” he said.
“It is Christ who asks the question ‘Who will be our messenger?’
“He is the master and today he calls you to be his disciple.
“He calls you to follow him and to announce the Good News to all the world that God is alive.”
The rector said “the reason for coming to the seminary is not about you or me or anyone else”.
“Like Peter and his companions in the Gospel you are here because you trust in Christ’s words, ‘put out into the deep’,” he said.
Msgr Randazzo later told The Catholic Leader the latest group of seminarians had all spent time at Canali House discerning with Brisbane archdiocese’s vocations director Fr Morgan Batt.
“Canali House seems to be the common thread,” he said.
He asked Catholics from around the province of Queensland to support all seminarians by praying for them.
“At the seminary we have adoration every Thursday at 5pm where we pray for vocations during a holy hour,” he said.
“We would ask the Catholic people of Queensland to join us wherever they might be at this time to pray for vocations.
“They could also make a financial gift to the seminary for the education and formation of these men.
“They could also encourage other young men to ask the question ‘Is God calling me to be a priest?'”