THIRTY-FIVE Catholic lay and religious and clergy have been honoured on Australia Day, including bioethics legend, the late Professor Nicholas Tonti-Filippini, who has been appointed an officer of the Order of Australia.
The esteemed group of inspirational Catholics were among 604 Australians recognised for their contributions and service to fellow citizens in Australia and internationally.
They join more than 40,000 women and men honoured on Australia Day each year.
Governor General Peter Cosgrove approved the annual honours list, which he said were “a source of courage, support and inspiration” who have made Australia a “stronger, safer and more caring nation”.
“Since 1975 these awards have drawn national attention to the personal efforts of individuals, made willingly, without thought of recognition or recompense,” General Cosgrove said.
“For over 40 years these honours have helped to define, encourage and reinforce our national aspirations and ideals by acknowledging exceptional Australians.
“Today, we add a new group of names to those we should all admire.”
Who made it on the list?
Sister Kathleen Mary TIERNEY
For distinguished service to the community through roles with health, education, aged care, and social welfare organisations, and to the Catholic Church in Australia.
The late Professor Nicholas Antony TONTI-FILIPPINI
For distinguished service to tertiary education, particularly in the area of bioethics, through academic leadership and advisory roles, and to medical research.
Ms Paula Noelle BARRY
For significant service to primary education, and through contributions to a range of community organisations.
Emeritus Professor John Charles COLL
For significant service to tertiary education as an administrator, academic and researcher, to the environment, and to the community.
Mr James William DWYER OAM
For significant service to the community through fundraising support for youth, health care and medical education initiatives, and to the law.
Mr Christopher James FAISANDIER
For significant service to the education sector, particularly through advisory, strategic human resource and organisational development roles.
Dr Mary Christine FOLEY
For significant service to public administration in New South Wales, particularly to the health care sector, to education, and to the community.
The Honourable Deirdre Mary GRUSOVIN
For significant service to the Parliament and the community of New South Wales, to education administration, and to social welfare.
For significant service to the community, particularly to the disadvantaged, through social welfare organisations, and to women and girls.
Mrs Moya Patricia POTTS
For significant service to the Catholic Church and to the community as an advocate for women.
Mr Lionel Philip ROBBERDS QC
For significant service to the law, to rowing, and to the community.
Associate Professor David Oliver WATSON
For significant service to medicine, and to medical education, to professional organisations, and to the community.
Mrs Susan Bartlett ALEXANDER
For service to the community, particularly to children’s welfare.
Ms Mignon Elizabeth BONWICK
For service to homeless youth in Sydney.
Dr Jane Mayo CAROLAN
For service to the community as an historian, archivist and author.
Mrs Patricia Mary COFFEY, 7 Grattan Street, Seymour Vic 3660
For service to the communities of Shepparton and Seymour.
Mr James Marshall DUGGAN
For service to the community of Bairnsdale.
Mr Francis Bernard DULLARD
For service to the community through a range of organisations.
Mr Stephen Noel ELDER
For service to the Catholic Church in Australia, and to the community of Victoria.
Sister Jane Frances GOREY
For service to health care support organisations.
Mrs Margaret Lillian GRIFFITHS
For service to music education.
Brother Francis Thomas HENNESSY
For service to education, and to people who are deaf, or hard of hearing.
Dr Ronald Frederick HOLT
For service to tertiary education, particularly in foreign languages.
Brother Sean Michael KEEFE
For service to the community of Manningham, and to the people of Timor Leste.
Mrs June Pauline LOWRY
For service to the community of Wakool.
Mr Brian William McCORMACK
For service to local government, and to the community of the Upper Lachlan Shire.
Mr Thanh Van NGUYEN
For service to the Vietnamese community of New South Wales.
Mr William Keith RENDELL
For service to the community, particularly through Rotary.
The late Mr Harvey Maxwell ROSE
For service to local government, and to the community.
Reverend Father Carmelo John SCIBERRAS
For service to the Catholic Church in Australia, and to the Maltese community of
New South Wales.
For service to the communities of Timor Leste and Pittwater.
Ms Ellen Alice SMIDDY, 7 The Crest, Watsonia Vic 3087
For service to children and the community through social welfare organisations.
Sister Teresa Anne WARD
For service to Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory, particularly as a linguist and educator.
Mr Barry Charles WILDE
For service to the Parliament of New South Wales, and to the community of Parramatta.
Ms Judith Margaret WILLIAMS
For service to local government, and to the community of Yass.