By Emilie Ng
LOVE for the Albany Creek Catholic community keeps parishioner Greg Adams coming back to convene the annual Albany Fair, which this year turns 25.
Mr Adams’ ongoing commitment over the past five years was a response to the generosity shown by the parish and school community after he had organised his first fair.
“I ran my first fair three-and-a-half years ago, and three months later my wife passed away,” he said.
“The community really supported me through that and that’s what’s driven me back each year.
“It’s my chance to give back to the community.”
Mr Adams said he was one of many who had committed to making the Albany Fair on June 1 a positive experience for the entire community.
“It’s hard work until June, but we do it because we love it and it’s great for building up the community,” he said.
The organising committee said this 25th fair would “erupt with an unforgettable and possibly uncontrollable level of europhic energy by this weekend”.
Parish priest Fr Ron Mollison has been to every fair since it started in 1989.
Fr Mollison said the fair was “a great advertising tool” alerting the Albany Creek community to the Catholic faith.
He said it was also a good supplementary income that helped build the parish and school community.
Fr Mollison thanked all those “who give generously of their time and talents” especially the hard work done “behind the scenes”.
Mother of three and All Saints’ parishioner Sarah Wedgwood is one of the volunteers who will be up at “all hours of the night” preparing for the fair rides.
“It’s better than just sitting down watching the TV because at least I’m contributing something to the world,” Mrs Wedgwood said.
The stay-at-home mum helps co-ordinate various ministries in the parish, including the parish playgroup, and since last year, has helped selling tickets for the rides at the fair.
“I really enjoy it because it’s my way to contribute to the community,” she said.
“It’s really rewarding.
“I also like that my kids see me participate in the community because its teaches them to be part of it too.”
Mrs Wedgwood said everyone in the community looked forward to the fair, including her six-year-old son and four-year-old twins.
“My kids see me doing the tickets at home and keep asking if today is the fair,” she said.
“Even friends I know forego the Ekka and take their family to Albany Creek instead.”
The Albany Fair is held at All Saints’ Parish, 4 Faheys Rd East, Albany Creek from 10am on June 1.