QUEENSLAND Parliament is unlikely to review the state’s abortion laws despite a national debate on the issue.
That was the response from the Premier’s Department after federal Treasurer Peter Costello’s assertion last week that those pushing for change should lobby state governments.
With Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott and others speaking out about the need to reduce the rate of abortion in Australia, Mr Costello indicated that legislative change on abortion was a matter for the states.
A spokesman for Queensland Premier Peter Beattie said the national debate was not likely to lead to a review of Queensland laws. He said the issue was not one raised in an election and it had always been policy that abortion law was decided on a conscience vote.
Catholic Labor MPs in Queensland, Ronan Lee and Terry Sullivan, also indicated there was little chance of that happening.
Liberal and National Party MPs were also contacted for comment but none responded before The Leader’s deadline.
Catholic Health Australia (CHA) has called on Australia’s health ministers to discuss the abortion issue and to establish a national inquiry.