ARCHDIOCESAN Murri Ministry staff, volunteers and other friends all joined the walk for reconciliation across Brisbane’s William Jolly Bridge last Sunday, June 4.
An estimated 70,000 people walked from South Brisbane to King George Square in the city to hear speakers and the reading of the last paragraph of the Declaration towards reconciliation:
“Our hope is for a united Australia that respects this land of ours, values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage and provides justice and equity for all.”
The Murri Ministry organised liturgy resources for the third national Sorry Day, May 26, and had been involved in ecumenical services in the lead up to last Sunday’s walk.
Ms Ravina Waldren and Sr Kay McPadden RSJ of the ministry also walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge the previous Sunday.
They were in Sydney for the annual conference of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council.
The Murri Ministry team will lead a Jubilee Year pilgrimage on June 17, 10am to noon, from Sacred Heart church, Rosalie, to Mt Coot-tha Aboriginal art trail.
Pilgrims should take hats, water, sunscreen and transport if possible. Information: 3891 1931.
On the road for reconciliation: Dr Paul Smyth, a member of the Brisbane archdiocesan Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, at the Brisbane walk for reconciliation.