FORTY-four young people braved a “freezing” weekend and trekked to a campground north of Toowoomba to worship God and learn more about their faith.
They came from Brisbane, Toowoomba and northern New South Wales to take part in Reclaim’s first retreat, which ran for three days in early July.
Retreat co-ordinator Joey Bach said it was a beautiful and fruitful three days.
“Reclaim is this huge melting pot of ministries and people and so the team was representing all these different ministries across Brisbane,” she said.
She said their hope was to create a space for young adults to have a personal encounter with God, deepen their prayer relationship with Him, and find a community to support and accompany them on their faith journey.
“I really wanted to lead our young people towards a deeper understanding of the Real Presence, and Christ’s intimacy with us in the Mass,” she said.
Along with time in Eucharistic adoration, worship and silent prayer, they had speakers and workshops.
Their guest speaker was Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge, who spoke about Isaiah 55 and how the Word of God bears fruit in each person who hears it.
Ms Bach said the team were humbled that Archbishop Coleridge drove all the way out there for a 45-minute talk.
The retreat also hosted newly-ordained Toowoomba priest Fr Nathan Webb, who said his ninth and 10th Masses while there.
“He was awesome,” Ms Bach said.
She said the young people at the retreat took a lot from the chance to go to confession with him.
“His homilies were great, it was awesome to see a priest who can relate to young people,” he said.
The Sisters of the Mary Morning Star from Mitchelton came and conducted a practical iconography workshop.
The other speakers included David Kruse, from the Adult Formation team of Evangelisation Brisbane, and Brigid Todd from Ignite Youth.
Reclaim is a collaborative ministry and the team at the retreat was made up of representatives from NET Australia, Vocations Brisbane, Ignite Youth, Frassati Australia, UQ Chaplaincy/Newman Society, and the Youth Team from Evangelisation Brisbane.
Reclaim runs on the first Tuesday of every month at Emmanuel City Mission, starting at 7pm, for 18-30 year olds with the next session on September 6.