By Bishop Robert McGuckin
IN the Message of Pope Francis for Lent 2023, he affirms that “together too, as a pilgrim Church in time, we experience the liturgical year and Lent within it, walking alongside those whom the Lord has placed among us as fellow travellers”.
We have now come out of Lent into the Easter Season. The spirit of generosity we may have shown in Lent should continue throughout the year.
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We come together to celebrate the wonderful ceremonies of Holy Week culminating in the Easter Vigil.
As we celebrate Easter, we give thanks for the wonderful gifts the Lord has so graciously and freely bestowed upon us.
The message of the Good News is not something to be locked away but is to be lived and shared.
We are not alone but journey alongside others.
Each of us has unique treasures and opportunities to give witness to the Risen Lord. Bring out that treasure.
In the course of a day, or a week, we find ourselves in different places and engage with different people and groups.
With the Grace of God, there will be many opportunities to share the joyous message of Jesus’ Resurrection.
May we respond generously and share the love and the gifts we have received.
We should do this without asking about the cost or seeking to receive something ourselves in return.
Rejoice and be glad for the Lord is Risen, He is indeed Risen.
May we remain in and grow in the love of the Risen Lord, and may that be seen by our actions.
I wish you every blessing in this wonderful season of light and hope.
Bishop Robert McGuckin is the Bishop of Toowoomba