FATHER Juan María Solana, director of the Magdala Centre in the Holy Land, has made four recommendations for living a worthwhile Holy Week.
1. Holy Week is an opportunity to receive grace
Fr Solana, a Mexican priest, said that “the first guidance I can give you is to think about how we have an opportunity, an opportunity to take advantage of a grace, as St Augustine said, a grace that passes by and doesn’t come back.”
The priest highlighted the importance of keeping in mind during these days that “Jesus is going to suffer in Jerusalem, to die, to give his life for us.”
2. Pray a lot during Holy Week
Fr Solana recommends praying a lot on these days and going to Holy Thursday Mass, which commemorates the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood.
He also recommended having a special awareness on Good Friday at 3 pm, the hour of the Lord’s death, to pray, for example, three Hail Marys and three Our Fathers along with some short prayers thanking Jesus, who at that moment “is giving his life for us on the cross.”
“Wherever we are, let us not lose sight of Jesus, who is going to Jerusalem and is going to offer his life for love of us. He is our salvation. He is our hope. He is our resurrection,” he said.
3. Accompany Jesus “in the Holy Land”
He said: “Holy Week is a small pilgrimage to the Holy Land, that is, it’s accompanying Jesus more or less in a chronological and geographical order in what pertains to his passion, the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the first days of the week, in that sadness, in that anguish where he lives with his friends Lazarus, Martha, and Mary, and finally his passion ensues.”
After the Last Supper and “Jesus’ prayer and agony in Gethsemane, he suffers, he is taken to the Sanhedrin. In the morning, he is brought before Pontius Pilate. He endures two trials, one religious and one civil. And finally, they condemn him and he dies on the cross.”
From place to place you can spiritually accompany the Lord, the priest said.
4. Accompany the Virgin Mary during the great silence.
On Holy Saturday, he said one must “accompany the Virgin a lot. “Be very close to the Virgin Mary because she is our hope.”
“She was faithful at the foot of the cross, suffering the unspeakable, so let us accompany the Virgin Mary in that silence, that great silence that some fathers of the Church tell us about,” he said.
“And on Sunday rise with Jesus: Christ, our hope, has risen. Christ, our peace, Christ our light, the one who gives us life. A life that will die no more.”
This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.