WITH National Volunteer Week fast approaching (celebrated May 17 – 23) Sunnybank parishioner David Grace is grateful volunteer roles both big and small will be acknowledged.
A volunteer at the parish since 1984, Mr Grace has variously been a parish councillor, parish trustee, liturgy committee member and Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
He also aided with transporting a blind woman and her assistance dog to attend Mass for 23 years.
During the week he works as a company director and lawyer but draws upon the influence of two towering figures as inspiration for his volunteering – St Francis of Assisi and former priest Fr Tom Hegarty.
“With regards the Italian saint, it lies in his motto that ‘it’s only in giving that we receive’,” Mr Grace said.
“I truly believe that, having experienced it myself through serving as a Eucharistic minister of communion to the sick.
“In the case of one family, I gave communion to a man who was suffering a terminal illness and he died at home the following Friday, after my Sunday visit.
“Later I was told the last word that passed his lips was ‘Jesus’ and I thought it was a huge honour to be able to deliver communion to him.
“You truly meet some fabulous people through volunteer work.
“They have their own stories and journeys, and some of them very tough; but to be able to go there and provide communion helps them out in a big way, and you certainly get a lot out of it too.”
As for Fr Hegarty, he became known as “the builder’” because of his efforts in the construction of the priests’ presbytery, the parish complex and many other works at the primary school.
“He was an amazing pastor and what he built up in the parish, not just physically but its spirit and sense of community, has lasted,” he said.
Fortunately, the archdiocese is well served by people like Mr Grace.
At last count there were around 11,000 volunteers serving within its boundaries, mainly in parish settings, but also a significant cohort within Centacare and the other diocesan entities.
If there was an encouragement Mr Grace could offer to anyone thinking of volunteering it’s simply “do it.”
“You do get a lot out of it, and also form strong relationships with people in the parish who are doing similar things. It builds up the strength of the parish,” he said.
If you would like to inquire about volunteering in the Brisbane Archdiocese email volunteer@bne.catholic.net.au