Starring: Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe
Director: Sam Raimi
Rated: PG
DON’T be late for Spider-Man. The opening sequence is very important to this film.
It involves quick cutting between stills of the cartoon strips which come to life.
Spider-Man is very faithful to the style of the newspaper hero.
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is a nerdy, high school lover of science. On a field trip to a bug laboratory he is bitten by a genetically modified spider and later turns into our action hero.
Initially he only wants to use his new powers to impress Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst), his next door neighbour and would-be girlfriend. He soon discovers, however, that Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe), his best friend’s father, is able to turn himself into the Green Goblin and threatens the safety of New York City. Spider-Man must save the day.
If you remember this character from the comic strips you will love this film.
The story is basic, the characterisations limited and the narrative thread leads inexorably to Spider-Man II, III and even IV.
Tobey Maguire was born to play this role, with just the right balance of naivety and cunning. Willem Dafoe is too overdrawn, pardon the pun, as the Green Goblin, but I’m not sure how else such a cartoon character could be.
Spider-Man is fun and the special effects are very fine indeed.
There are only two things of which to be aware. Spider-Man is too long. We get the story 15 minutes into the movie and all the special effects in the world can’t make the plot interesting for two hours. Even the children will be restless.
The simulated violence is strong in parts and so the film’s classification is well heeded by parents with young children.
If you need a matinee film with the kids then swing into Spider-Man soon.