Charles Waddell; St Paul’s Publications, Strathfield NSW; 2014.
Reviewed by Barbara Flynn
THIS concisely written small book by Western Australian parish priest, theologian and medical anthropologist Fr Charles Waddell offers a faith-enriching exploration into relevant matters in Jesus’ teachings that are fundamental to people who seek to make meaning of life.
Informed by wide reading, years of pastoral work and prayerful reflection on Scripture, Waddell reveals a palpable longing in his heart for others to experience the reality of Jesus as an intimate presence with His people.
Using Scripture to inform his discussions, the author systematically discloses what it is about Jesus and God the Father that really matters in shaping our beliefs and values and thus transforming our lives to bring about the reign of God in our lives. What purpose underpins “the unparallelled call” to discipleship which Jesus makes to each person?
Waddell illustrates through Gospel accounts three ways that Jesus encountered people thus making disciples and transforming lives. Central to this process, Waddell states, is trust in Jesus and a resolve to turn from the influences of evil. Waddell writes with clarity and simplicity to explain theological truths. He provides anecdotes from people’s experiences to illustrate some teachings.
These add to the persuasive narrative style he uses to invite readers into acceptance of the proclamation that the presence of the resurrected Jesus in the world is a reality revealing God the Father’s relationship with humanity.
Recognition and acceptance of this reality is essential, Waddell explains, for people who seek to encounter Jesus.
The evangelising content of Jesus Matters is developed in four parts beginning with the socio-cultural context of Jesus’ origins and including a map illustrating Palestine at the time of Jesus.
Supported by scripture references, the focus in Part One is on “Jesus’ encounter with Yahweh God”, at His baptism by John. This encounter is discussed as the decisive moment of Jesus’ call to a revolutionary mission to proclaim the reign of God by His life.
Part Two explores parables taught by Jesus wherein he refers indirectly to God’s unconditional love and compassion for all people. Particular parables, Waddell explains, reveal Jesus’ teachings on the meaning “of reign of God” in the life of an individual and of a community.
“People”, Waddell says, “breathe the reign of God” when, trusting in God’s presence with them, they live values of peace, forgiveness, love and service while turning from fear, doubt, anger, revenge and selfishness.
Part Three discusses the call to discipleship.
Scripture passages that relate astonishing deeds accomplished by Jesus during which people encountered Him, thus transforming their lives, are the framework used to indicate that the call to discipleship is for all.
The political and religious context surrounding the ritual last meal that Jesus took with the Apostles and the subsequent events of His trial, crucifixion, death and resurrection are considered in Part Four.
This chapter encourages a deepening of faith in the presence and meaning of the resurrected Jesus.
This book is an important theologically sound resource for adult faith education discussing how and why Jesus matters.
The book is available from St Paul’s Bookstore, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane.