MARY: THE MARY MacKILLOP STORY: Starring Lucy Bell, Brendan Higgins, Maureen Green and Linden Wilkinson; Director Kay Pavlou; Rated G; 71 minutes
Reviewed by Peter Bugden
THIS film documentary was released in 1994 but it is worth another look as Australia celebrates Mary MacKillop’s canonisation.
It tells the story of Mary’s life in an entertaining way, from her younger years with her family struggling in Melbourne, through the development of her passion to educate the children of poor families, her growing compassion for the battlers of society, the birth of her order – the Sisters of St Joseph – her episodes of conflict with sections of the Church hierarchy, the trials of ill health, through to her death.
Lucy Bell brings the spirit of Mary alive with her portrayal as a woman of vision, courage, compassion, determination, humility, unwavering faith and complete trust in God.
The film features quality acting to give a vivid picture of what life would have been like for Mary and the people around her.
Other star performers include Brendan Higgins, as Fr Julian Tenison Woods who co-founded the Josephite order with Mary; and Maureen Green as Sr Teresa.
The story is enriched by insightful comments given by broadcaster and biographer Clare Dunne, historical consultant Jesuit father Peter Gumpel, and Sisters of St Joseph Margaret McKenna and Maria Foale.
These comments come from individual interviews and are inserted at various stages throughout the film.
The contributions of these experts add to the audience’s understanding of the situations and circumstances that Mary encountered, and the qualities and beliefs at the heart of her life.
This film, available on DVD, would be ideal for anyone, especially families, looking for an easy way to catch a glimpse of why Mary MacKillop is considered a saint.
Mary: The Mary MacKillop Story is available from St Paul’s Book Centre and Christian Supplies in Brisbane